The path along the Nidda River
Before returning to the golf course this morning, for the first time in a couple of months, I went for a chilly and very slow 5km jog in the pre-dawn darkness. I never felt good running and was just glad to get it over. I'm hoping some form and fitness returns before tomorrow's Terrigal Trotters 12km run, and the long bush trail run planned for Sunday. It could be a tough and painful weekend.
Last night, at the track session I supervise at Adcock Park in Gosford, one of the runners, Jodie, was telling us about his daunting business travel itinerary for the next couple of weeks and we were discussing the challenges of running and minding your diet on such trips. Europe was going to be part of his journey and it put me in mind of the time I was working and living, part-time, in Frankfurt in the early 1990s, and my favourite regular "garbage" run there (see post titled
St Louis for the explanation of a garbage run).
My run took me close to the Bundesbank
For a year or two, I was assigned to manage our company's German operation while living near London and regularly spent time in Frankfurt, often travelling there on the first Monday flight and returning on the last Friday flight. I either stayed in a small hotel, or in a company apartment, both near our office. It was an exciting time to be in Germany as the Berlin Wall had just come down and reunification was in overdrive.
I grew to love my regular
Frankfurt morning run which was a little under 14km and took me about an hour in those days. It usually started in darkness as I headed west through quiet narrow apartment-lined residential streets for a few kilometres before reaching open parkland in the city's northwest. My most vivid memory of this run is the loud twittering of thousands of birds in the trees each morning as the eastern skies brightened. I don't know what type they were, probably something like sparrows or starlings, and they were there every morning. Even now, when I hear the loud sound of thousand of birds all twittering at once, my mind immediately goes back to that dawn run through Frankfurt.
The middle part of the run followed the banks of the Nidda River before swinging back towards the city through a small forest. The last few kilometres took me past the powerful Bundesbank, through the lovely manicured Gruneburgpark, and by the gates of a small American military base, before I returned to my hotel/apartment. There were few hills in the whole run, and if I felt good, I often ran quite quickly. The post-run breakfast of coffee and freshly-baked bread rolls with butter and jam in the little Turmhotel dining room also lingers fondly in my memory.