Gloucester, NSW
I don't own a GPS watch as used by many runners these days. It's not that I have a philosophical objection to them, it's just that they look a bit bulky and don't meet any of my current running needs. I do, however, like to use
MapMyRun for plotting routes and measuring distances, and wish it had been available 30 or 40 years ago. In my earlier running career, distances were calculated using street directories, rulers, paper and pencil, and measuring a long run was a big exercise, especially if the roads weren't straight. These days it's relatively easy to measure a course pre- or post-run on my computer and save the information for another day.
Another great advantage of MapMyRun and
Google Maps is being able to work out a running course in an unfamiliar area. In years gone by, when on extended touring trips in Europe and North America, many of my daily training runs consisted of running out along a main road for 20 or 30 minutes, turning around and then running back the same way. If the main road was busy or lacked a shoulder, the run could be unpleasant. Nevertheless, when you're in a strange town and don't have detailed maps, it's not always a good idea just to set out along a side road in the hope you'll be able to find a safe loop of the desired distance. Often on these minor roads you can encounter unrestrained territorial dogs, or perhaps find yourself unexpectedly on private property or at a dead end. Maybe you just get uncomfortably stared at by folks unused to the sight of a runner on their back road. Of course, these things can happen even if you know where you are going, but at least the maps, satellite views and photography can give you a better idea of the roads, distances, settlements and terrain.
Oops! There's supposed to be a bridge here
This morning, after the long run yesterday, I was looking for an easy 10km running route from our motel in the small town of Gloucester that didn't involve running out of town along the main road. Using MapMyRun, I worked out a
loop of 9km that kept to the local back streets and minor roads of the town and set off at a very easy pace, with my Achilles tendon and knee both still painful from yesterday's run. After about 3km, I went to turn right along a street on my planned route to find a dead end. Alas, Google Maps and MapMyRun showed a bridge crossing a small creek on the edge of town where no bridge existed. I could see the gravel road I planned to run along on the other side of the creek, but would have had to wade across to get there. I abbreviated my run to 7km following a few other minor roads and didn't encounter any dogs or banjo players. So much for technology!